Is your Android Library, Lifecycle-Aware?
· β˜• 9 min read · ✍️ Nishant
Lifecycle events in Android. It has been a pain point for Android developers all over the world. It is no brainer that, most of the times the main cause of a memory leak in the codebase is because an invalid state is accessed which is out of sync with the lifecycle of the activity/fragment of the app.

Build.Better.Β­Android.Libraries @VanDev
· β˜• 1 min read
VanDev: Vancouver’s Software Developers Network, Vancouver, Canada Abstract As more and more people start building Android Libraries, the whole process of building a better API for developers is getting bloated and everyone is coming up with their own ideas.

I could not find a simple Gesture Detection android library, so I built one
· β˜• 6 min read · ✍️ Nishant
While working on various projects, there have been times when I have had to implement various gesture-based events. Every time I have had to do that I had to write the whole code for getting the SensorManager and getting access to the SensorEvent, plus the extra logic to detect the gesture.

Do you like to ADB?
· β˜• 10 min read · ✍️ Nishant
Lets face it we all have been there , trying to fiddle with managing our emulators and dev devices. And at max we would do is try to manually manage it.